Ne glede na to, ali gre za arhitekturni projekt ali za prenovo interierja stanovanja, tesno sodelujemo z naročnikom in mu nudimo podporo skozi celoten proces ustvarjanja doma. Idealni delovni proces poteka po vnaprej določenih KORAKIH, ki strankam omogočajo nadzor nad proračunom in izvedbo projekta. Kljub temu se lahko stranke odločijo, ali nam bodo zaupale le del projekta ali celoto.  Našo ponudbo izdelamo za vsak projekt posebej.

/ Regardless of the fact whether we are dealing with an architectural project or interior renovation there is a close collaboration with the client throughout the process of creating a home. An ideal working process runs according to predetermined STEPS, which in return enable the client to have control over the budget and the project execution. However, the client is free to decide whether he or she wants to trust us with the whole project or just a part of it. Our quotation is made extra for each project.


Na uvodnem sestanku v naših prostorih se spoznamo z naročnikom in njegovimi željami. Predstavimo mu naš način dela in sorodne projekte, nato pa se seznanimo s prostorom in možnostmi, ki jih ponuja. Skupaj z naročnikom določimo tudi okvirni proračun projekta. Naše rešitve in predloge v prihodnjih fazah prilagajamo določenemu proračunu in se držimo dogovorjenega. 

/ The initial meeting is held in our office where we meet the client and learn about his or her desires. The client learns about our work philosophy and gets familiar with similar projects. This is followed by getting to know the space and the possibilities it offers. The approximate budget estimate of the project is set together with the contracting authority. Our solutions and suggestions for the following phases are adjusted so that they stay within the budget and agreed plan.


Naročniku predstavimo več možnih rešitev in idejnih zasnov. Po pregledu vseh idej in pogovoru skupaj izberemo končno verzijo idejnega načrta, s katerim določimo oblikovalska izhodišča, cenovni razred arhitekture in opreme, osnovno barvno shemo in osnovne materiale.

The client is presented with a variety of possible solutions and preliminary designs. After the discussion of all ideas, a mutually selected final version of the preliminary design is agreed upon. It includes a basis for design, price range of architecture and equipment, basic colour scheme and basic materials. 



Po potrditvi idejnega načrta izdelamo obsežnejše izvedbene načrte, ki so bistveni za zagotavljanje dobrih rezultatov, skladnega izgleda arhitekture in interierja, predvsem pa naročniku omogočijo nadzor nad finančnim načrtom in izvedbo projekta. V tej fazi določimo tudi vse finalne obdelave, skladnost materialov in barv. Naročniku priskrbimo vzorce in skupaj z njim sprejmemo zadnje odločitve.

Upon accepting the preliminary design, more comprehensive, detailed plans are made. They are imperative to secure good results and harmony between architecture and the interior. The contracting authority is able to control costs and the execution of the plan. At this stage, all final details, materials and colours are determined. The client is provided with samples and final decisions are made together.


Izvedbeni načrt dopolnimo s popisom gradbeno-obrtniških del in s popisom vse opreme. Popisi so podlaga za zbiranje končnih ponudb in sklepanje pogodb z izvajalci, kar po želji naročnika opravimo mi. 

/ The detailed plan includes the inventory of construction and artisanal work and all equipment. The inventories thus provide a basis for collection of final bids and conclusion of contracts with contractors. If desired, this service can be provided by us. 


Na željo stranke prevzamemo nadzor nad izvajanjem gradbeno-obrtniških del in opremljanjem doma. Poskrbimo za pripravljanje ponudb in koordinacijo del vse do zadnjega detajla, dogovorjenega v našem projektu. Po dogovoru skrbimo tudi za odpravo vseh napak in servis po vselitvi.

We provide supervision of the construction and craft work, and furnish the home upon request. Additionally, we draw up bids and co-ordinate work up to the last detail specified in the project. By mutual agreement, we do away with all flaws and provide maintenance after occupation.